What You Need to Know About

Anatomy of the Cannabis Plant

Once a cannabis plant flowers, those flowers produce resin glands that contain cannabinoids and terpenes. These flowers are what is being harvested and ultimately used or processed into different medicine and other consumable items.  What we call flower, pop culture calls “bud,” “weed,” “ganja,” “pot,” etc

What You Need to Know About

Full Assortment Hemp Oils in Our Stores

Hemp oil, also known as hemp seed oil, is made from hemp, a cannabis plant like the drug marijuana but containing little to no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that gets people “high.” Instead of THC, hemp contains cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical that has been used to treat everything from epilepsy to anxiety.

Best Quality Cannabis 

Choose Product High CannabisM

Marijuana has gone through a lot of controversy over the past few years and it’s now been legalized in 2018. You can now buy weed online and get it shipped to your door.

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Description: Typically, the Indica plant is a busy plant with large leaves and grow quicker than other strains. They are higher in CBD and lower in THC, as compared to Sativas. Effects: An indica strain will result in mental relaxation, muscle relation, increase in appetite, and high dopamine. Hot Strains: Death Bubba, Nuken, Pink Kush
SATIVA Description: Generally, a Sativa will provide a more energizing and uplifting experience. The leaves grow thinner than an Indica and the plant grows much taller. They are higher in THC and lower in CBD. Effects: A Sativa strain will result in an increase of creativity and focus, increases serotonin, anti-depressant, and anti-anxiety. Hot Strains: Jack Herer, Apple Pie, Super Lemon Haze
HYBRID Description: This plant is a cross between an Indica and a Sativa plant. The characteristics are more very dependant on their parent plants. Effects: A Hybrid is a mix between a Sativa and an Indica, which means consumers may find multiple effects combined. The effects will depend based on which Sativa or Indica is more dominant, making the options quite special. Hot Strains: Girl Scout Cookies, Gelato